Bring Some JOY to Your Front Step

Ok so sign number 2 of the week is SO easy.  Anyone can do it – I promise!  Here it is:


First get a board of the length you desire.  Next you can stain it if you want.  This would be super cute on a naturally greyed old board though too.   I just used a new pine board and stained it.   I gave the apple cider and steel wool stain a try again and this time it worked!  I let the steel wool sit in the apple cider for about three days this time and then applied it using the steel wool.   It doesn’t look like much of a change until you let it sit for about an hour but then it dries to a nice rich color.  After you’ve got your board ready place your wreath in the middle (a simple nail to hang it on works) and paint your J and Y on.  So easy.   I wanted mine outside so I did decide to poly the board as well once I got the letters painted on.

If you wanted to you could go a step further you could light up your wreath and then drill holes in the letters and stick Christmas lights through them so you have a marquee of sorts.  I can’t believe I’m actually turning down a chance to have more Christmas lights but for now I am just going to keep mine as is.  Have a JOYful day! 😉


  1. Ann Berg

    Heather, I enjoy reading your blog. Your excitement & talents show in every post along with the adventures of being a mom. Keep up the great work as I look forward to each post.

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